A Quick Update on PEARL, ARX’s Upcoming Clinical Trial

Update on PEARL

Exciting news – AgelessRx has now started recruiting participants to our ground-breaking clinical trial PEARL (Participatory Evaluation of Aging with Rapamycin for Longevity).

All things going well, we anticipate PEARL will kick off in August 2021, so if you or someone you know is keen to participate, or you’d like to learn more about eligibility, click here.

To help fund PEARL and pay for the extensive biomarker testing that each participant will receive, we have also launched a crowdfunding campaign at lifespan.io Your donation will help make this trial a success, so please consider donating if you can.

Interested in donating? Donate to PEARL here.

What is PEARL?

We’ve partnered with Dr. James P Watson at UCLA (who was also a PI for the famous TRIIM trial) to run the first ever large-scale intervention trial on longevity in the US. Our aim with PEARL is to find out whether rapamycin can slow down or even reverse some biomarkers of aging, as it has already been shown to do many times in animal models.

Each participant will receive multiple tests throughout the trial (valued at over $3,000), and ongoing doctor evaluation will be provided to each and every participant. Running a trial like PEARL is extremely expensive, so if you’re excited about the promising potential of Rapamycin to slow down human aging and treat a multitude of human diseases, please consider donating. Every bit helps.