Catch up on all things longevity in 5 minutes or less!
Quanta Magazine’s The Joy of Why Podcast: Why Do We Get Old, and Can Aging Be Reversed?
Discover why aging occurs, what happens to our bodies at a cellular level as we age & why women tend to live longer than men.
Researchers Recommend Adding Five New Hallmarks of Aging
Following a panel discussion in Copenhagen, prominent researchers explain why new hallmarks should be added to the existing paradigm.
Science-Based Strength Training Regimen to Help Slow Aging
Learn how you can maintain muscle mass, enhance your mobility, preserve bone density, and even lower your risk of disease as you age with help from strength training.
The Most Promising Lifespan Extending Interventions Based on Mouse Data
Take a deep dive into the results from various animal tests and human applications on the latest molecules and compounds that could affect the aging process.
Synergistic Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Combining Exercise and Sauna Use
Scientists uncover potential beneficial effects on cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels when exercise is combined with sauna bathing.