What does TruAge tell me?

PoAm Value

DunedinPACE: Your speedometer for aging

DunedinPACE is a one-of-a-kind algorithm created over the course of 50 years of research by the researchers at Duke, Columbia, and the University of Otego.

The Dunedin Pace of Aging report is essentially a speedometer for aging, based on methylation markers in the genome.

It is highly predictive of outward phenotypic signs of aging, and studies have found accelerated aging detected by this algorithm is also highly predictive of the development of age-related diseases.

It is more sensitive to short-term changes than our regular Epigenetic Age report, so it’s useful for folks aiming to optimize their lifestyle to reduce aging.

This report is provided with every kit purchase.

Learn more about DunedinPACE

Telomere age

Telomeres are repeating sequences of nucleotide base-pairs at the very end of all your chromosomes. They don’t carry your essential genetic data, but they do protect it.

Telomeres have long been a core reference point for tracking biological aging. With our newest algorithm, we’re able to accurately estimate Telomere Length by examining methylation markers on your DNA.

In this report, learn about how telomere length affects cellular replication and cellular fate, and how your telomeres currently fare.

This report is provided with every kit purchase.

Learn more about telomere length
Chromosome Telomere
Hallmarks of Aging

Biological age

TruDiagnostic has the largest private database of epigenetic information in the world. By collecting important covariates for this database of DNA Methylation, we were able to create a biological age predictor.

Building on the science already in existing literature, we have used our large database to create a highly accurate biological age model with a high correlation value to age (r=.98).

This is our largest report, going in-depth into the many aspects that change biological age, and some of the general lifestyle choices the current research supports for slowing epigenetic aging.

This report is provided with every kit purchase.

Immune age

Environmental exposures, exercise, diet, sleep – all of these influence the health and aging rate of your immune system. The aging of your immune system, in turn, affects your overall biological age.

Discover what your biological age would look like if you had no Immune System influencing it, with Intrinsic Epigenetic Age. It is essentially the baseline aging of your body, without the impact of diseases and other immune system aging factors.

Extrinsic Epigenetic Age is more informed by your cellular and hormonal biology than the standard biological age. By examining the ratios of immune cells present in your blood, it creates a new, more accurate version of Epigenetic Biological Age.

This report is provided with every kit purchase.

Immune Age
CpG Beta Values

CpG Beta Values

CpG sites are the locations on your DNA where we pull methylation information, to calculate all of your epigenetic metrics. They’re practically the only place on the genome that allows methylation to happen, which is what helps control gene expression!

A Beta Value is the degree of methylation on a CpG site. Basically: how much is the gene associated with that site turned on or off? This is the most common way to measure DNA methylation.

CpG Beta Values are your raw epigenetic data, that can be used in epigenetic clocks and other algorithms.

TruDiagnostic is built and operated by scientists, researchers and epigenetic enthusiasts. We understand wanting a second opinion. Wanting transparency.

That’s why all TruAge customers receive a downloadable report with 1,300 of your CpG Loci Beta Values – the ones most commonly used by other epigenetic companies to calculate biological age.

Advanced health metrics

Epigenetics has a strong connection to disease and long-term health. Despite our name, TruDiagnostic’s TruAge epigenetic reports cannot actually diagnose a disease on its own. That’s up to a healthcare practitioner.

We can help those physicians and clinicians investigate epigenetic markers that flag a possible predisposition toward certain diseases, like obesity and diabetes. Much like a blood cholesterol test cannot diagnose obesity, our epigenetic tests cannot diagnose diseases either.

By working with a healthcare provider or epigenetic consult, you can access advanced health metrics, like investigations into disease. They can also take a look at your medical history and create a more personalized plan for major lifestyle changes. 

Access Personal Health Insights
Track changes in aging

Second time user report

We recommend you test 1-2x per year, and our follow-up reporting feature provides a snapshot of your entire biological age history with us. 

This allows you to track your progress over time, and check in on how recent lifestyle changes are affecting your various aging metrics.