How old are you really?

There’s a lot your DNA can tell you. Reveal your true age with help from the world’s most advanced methylation and phenotypic technologies and take better control of your health & longevity.

Which BioAge test is right for you?

TruDiagnosticTruMeLab-BasedOnline Calculator
Test TypeMethylationMethylationPhenotypicPhenotypic
Collection MethodBloodSalivaBloodBlood
Emailed Results
Portal Access
Level of Detailstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar

Methylation vs Phenotypic

How Methylation works

  • Mathematical algorithm analyzes DNA points to predict bioage
  • Measures patterns of methyl groups on DNA points
  • Artificial intelligence links methyl values on DNA to other factors (e.g. weight) to predict mortality risk
  • Provides real-time feedback on how longevity interventions are working
How Methylation Works

How Phenotypic age works

  • Developed by UCLA & cohort of 11,400 adults
  • Multi-system aging measure utilizing 9 key biomarkers
  • Quantifies bioage using observable characteristics in routine blood work
  • Correlates bioage to risk of all-cause mortality
  • Easily repeated bi-annually to gauge effectiveness of lifestyle changes & therapies
How Phenotypic Age Works

Tracking your BioAge over time

Your biological age can (and will) change over time. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as lifestyle changes, environment, and/or the introduction of longevity therapies. How do you know if your efforts are worth it? As your chronological age increases, your biological age should remain “younger.” Ideally, the gap between your chronological age and biological age will become larger over time. A common goal is at least 5 years between the two ages.

Curious to track your progress? Consider an AgelessRx Bi-Annual Subscription for our At-Home Methylation Saliva Test. You’ll unlock extra savings per test, as well as conveniently receive a new test every 6 months—empowering you to track your progress without even thinking about it.

Graph showing bioage decreasing over time while chronological age increases