Longevity Spotlight February 2023

Longevity Spotlight February 2023

Catch up on all things longevity in 5 minutes or less!

Unleashing the Secret to Youthful Aging: Canine Longevity Research Holds the Key

Scientists continue to work on curing chronic diseases and aging for canines and hope the results could yield promise for humans.

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Will 2023 Bring the First Drug to Target the Biology of Aging?

As scientists gain more knowledge on what causes aging and how to treat it, the world of medicine could shift to prevention-focused interventions—helping to stop illness and disease from even starting in the first place.

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Disease Reversal for Humans Becomes Possible for the First Time in History

Therapeutic interventions to combat atherosclerotic CVD have played a crucial role in the battle against chronic disease. Cyclarity Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company developing drugs to address age-related diseases by focusing on a common cause—the build-up of arterial plaque.

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Study Suggests That Sleep Plays Significant Role in Heart Health

Researchers at Columbia University conducted the first examination between sleep health and heart health after the recent expansion of the American Heart Association’s metric.

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Biotech Startup Claims Yamanaka Factors Extend Mouse Lifespan

Rejuvenate Bio, a small biotech company out of San Diego, claims that the results from their genetic reprogramming technique on mice could be used to rejuvenate humans someday.

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