Smoking: Risk & Prevention

Smoking: Risk & Prevention

A quick overview of what we’ll cover in this blog post:

  • How smoking affects your overall health
  • Strategies to help you quit smoking

Did you know smoking is the number one cause of preventable diseases and deaths? And yet, an estimated 34 million adults in the U.S. smoke.

That’s why quitting is important. But the good news is that, even though quitting is hard, it’s not impossible! There are a lot of different things you can do to help quit today. And we want to help.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry—we’ll break down the risks associated with smoking and ways you can work towards quitting.

How does smoking affect your overall health?

Smoking can damage nearly every part of the body. It’s an especially big cause of heart and lung disease.

Heart disease

Smoking causes blood vessels to thicken, making it harder for the heart to pump blood (a sign of heart disease). Thickened blood vessels can cause your blood pressure to go up, cause clots to form (which can lead to heart attacks), and even cause strokes.

Lung disease

Smoking damages airways in the lungs, leading to conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a group of conditions that can affect and block airflow in the lungs. Damage to airways is irreversible and can leave you with breathing difficulties and even lead to cancer.

Other health conditions

Smoking can cause many more health problems, such as diabetes, reduced fertility, and poor dental health. Smoking can also increase inflammation throughout the body that damages tissue.

Second hand smoke (cigarette smoke breathed in by people around you) can increase the risk of heart and lung disease for people around you. Second hand smoke can be especially harmful in children and infants.

Why is it easier to stop smoking now?

Trying to quit now is much easier than dealing with health conditions that may occur down the road. Many conditions are difficult to treat (such as cancer) or leave lasting, irreversible damage.

How can you reduce or quit smoking habits altogether?

Fortunately, quitting is not impossible! Here are some strategies that could help you start to quit smoking

Certain types of therapy and support can help you quit smoking by helping you find ways to cope with the urge to smoke.

Lifestyle changes
People who stop smoking often experience weight gain. That’s where lifestyle changes (such as diet and exercise) can help you maintain your weight! Diet and exercise can also help alleviate many of the other side effects of smoking, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more.

The FDA has approved three different types of drugs and medications to help people stop smoking. Some medications may be available as over-the-counter medications, while others require a prescription from your doctor.

AgelessRx offers prescription products like NAD+, which has shown promise as a potential treatment tool for addiction. While we do not treat addiction here at AgelessRx, our doctors can help you decide if NAD+ is right for you (it’s available in various forms, including prescription patches, injections, and even nasal spray).

Ready to take the first steps and quit smoking? Talk to your doctor and make a plan today! You can also check out NAD+ prescriptions offered by AgelessRx!