How Cologuard Is Changing Colon Cancer Screening

Cologuard Colon Cancer Screening box sitting on a counter top.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this blog post:

  • Why early detection is important
  • What is Cologuard
  • How Cologuard is changing colon cancer tests
  • Getting Cologuard through AgelessRx

The Importance of Early Detection in Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, if caught early, can often be treated successfully. When colon cancer is detected in its early stages, the survival rate is 90%.

But catching it early is the catch for many patients, as diagnostic methods like colonoscopies are often invasive and uncomfortable. So, many patients choose to avoid colon cancer diagnosis, rather than go through invasive procedures.

But avoiding colon diagnosis reduces our chances for early detection, and with it our treatment options. When colon cancer is detected in later stages, the survival rate can be as low as 13%. Though it’s easy to stress the importance of early cancer screening, it’s just as easy to choose convenience if we don’t see symptoms in the early stages.

Enter Cologuard.

What Is Cologuard?

Cologuard is a cutting-edge, FDA-approved, non-invasive stool DNA test. Cologuard detects the genetic markers and blood associated with colon cancer and precancerous lesions. Since the results are easy to interpret and highly accurate, you can get easy access to early detection without taking time off for a doctor visit.

Recent research confirms that Cologuard has a 94% specificity for detecting colon cancer, outperforming fecal immunochemical tests (FIT). Studies show that Cologuard also has a 91% sensitivity. This means that Cologuard can accurately predict the absence and presence of colon cancer, respectively.

Unlike colonoscopies, you can do a Cologuard colon cancer screening test in the comfort and privacy of your home, without dietary restrictions or bowel preparation. It’s a game-changer in the realm of colon cancer screening, making it easier for individuals to take that crucial step towards early detection.

Who Should Consider Cologuard?

Cologuard colon cancer screening is recommended for people 45 and older who are at average risk for colon cancer. Cologuard is ideal for those who prefer a non-invasive screening method or have hesitations about traditional screening procedures.

If you’re below 45 but still at average risk for colon cancer, your prescriber may consider a Cologuard prescription at their discretion. Talk to your prescriber about Cologuard to see if it’s right for you. While Cologuard is effective, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if it’s the right choice for you, based on your personal health history and risk factors.

If you’re at high risk for colon cancer, your prescriber may recommend other screening methods. Cologuard is not for high-risk people who have a personal or family history of colon cancer or associated conditions. Cologuard also does not replace colonoscopies and can only detect 42% of precancerous polyps. Those at high risk of colon cancer may need more robust prevention methods.

Using Cologuard Through AgelessRx

Cologuard is a prescription product offered by Exact Sciences, the manufacturer of Cologuard. We at AgelessRx are proud to offer a consultation for Cologuard to see if it’s right for you.

We make it simple to get started with Cologuard:

  • Start with a consultation
    Start with a virtual consultation with your AgelessRx prescriber to determine if Cologuard is right for you. They’ll provide a prescription, if appropriate, and send it to Exact Sciences on your behalf.
  • Order your test
    If you’re a candidate, you’ll call Exact Sciences and complete a one-time, direct payment of $381 to receive your Cologuard collection kit. Once you submit payment, you’ll receive your collection kit from Exact Sciences within 3-7 business days.
  • Complete the test
    Follow the instructions to collect your sample and mail it back to the lab using the prepaid shipping box. Be sure to ship your sample on the same day it’s collected!
  • Receive your results
    Your AgelessRx team will notify you of your results as soon as they’re available. You can also create an account with Exact Sciences to view your results when they’re available. Your prescriber will assist you in interpreting your results afterward, if necessary.

Choosing Cologuard through AgelessRx is a smart and convenient move for your health, allowing you to simply assess your risk for colon cancer without the inconvenience of scheduling an appointment, or the invasive procedures. You’ll also receive support from our experts before and after your purchase, ensuring you’re informed and comfortable every step of the way.

Taking Action for Your Health

The risk of developing colorectal cancer only increases with overall age. Healthy lifestyle decisions like diet, regular exercise, and good sleep can all decrease our risk of cancer. But early detection is the best method of prevention, and with Cologuard, you can make early detection as simple as exercise.

AgelessRx is committed to empowering you to take control of your health, and Cologuard is a testament to that commitment. By offering this non-invasive screening option, we hope to make early detection a simple, accessible part of your health regimen.

With Cologuard, you can make colon cancer screening a simple part of your long-term longevity toolkit, and another proactive towards more healthy years. Take proactive steps to avoid age-related disease in the comfort and safety of your home, and get started with a free visit today.

Note: The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


How does Cologuard work?

Cologuard detects specific changes in the DNA and the presence of blood in your stool, which can be indicators of cancer or precancerous polyps. Each sample is analyzed by a US-licensed laboratory technician at Exact Sciences, the pathology company who launched Cologuard, who will deliver a positive or negative confirmation based on your sample. 

However, a negative result does not rule out colorectal cancer, and a positive result is not a diagnosis. Your healthcare provider will help you interpret your results and advise you on the next steps to take.

How often should I take the Cologuard test?

Cologuard is generally recommended every three years if your results are negative and you remain at average risk for colorectal cancer. So, your prescriber may recommend you take Cologuard more often based on your unique medical background.

What’s involved in the Cologuard testing process?

The testing process involves collecting a stool sample at home using the provided kit and sending it back to the lab for analysis. The expert technicians at Exact Sciences will analyze your sample for traces of DNA and blood containing colorectal cancer cells. Your collection kit will come with clear instructions on how to use Cologuard at home. You can also find more helpful tips and tricks in your Cologuard product guide and in your product instructions email.