Longevity Technology: AgelessRx and Funding an IRB-Approved Rapamycin Trial

Longevity Tech

AgelessRx Chief Executive Officer, Anar Isman, recently sat down with Longevity Technology to discuss AgelessRx’s first nationwide telemedicine trial for Rapamycin.

Participatory Evaluation of Aging with Rapamycin for Longevity (PEARL) is the first nationwide telemedicine trial and one of the first large-scale intervention trials on Rapamycin for longevity. PEARL is made possible by AgelessRx in affiliation with the University of California, with Dr. James Watson at UCLA as the principal investigator.

The human trial will be criticial in making Rapamycin available for longevity purposes. Furthermore, the trial will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of rapamycin in healthy adults for longevity in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

“We’ll [PEARL] be doing close to $3,000 of testing per person … This includes the Horvath clock and methylation peak testing to see if Rapamycin slows down your biological age. … We’ll do microbiome testing, glycan age testing, bone density scan, visceral fat measurements, among others, and we’ll see if over the six months of the trial if rapamycin shows any Longevity benefits through those tests.” – Anar Isman, CEO, AgelessRx

AgelessRx has currently raised $150,000 from various policy donors and will be conducting a crowdfunding campaign to raise an additional $100,000 beginning in December.

To read the full article on Longevity Technology, click here.

To learn more about PEARL, click here.