Learn why symptoms may temporarily worsen when starting Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and how to manage this phase effectively.
Category: LDN
Our experts launched a study to determine the effects of Low Dose naltrexone and NAD+ on Long COVID. The results could move us closer to an FDA-approved treatment for Long COVID.
Not sure which LDN protocol is right for you? Learn everything you need to know about the starting doses we offer for LDN before getting started.
LDN is usually dosed at 4.5mg once daily. However, some patients do better with a higher/lower dose. How do you find that “Goldilocks” dose?
When Crohn’s symptoms flare up, it can be completely debilitating – but what exactly is Crohn’s disease, what causes it, and can LDN help?
In this video we’ll review how Low Dose Naltrexone works, why it’s so effective and the data supporting its effectiveness.
Low Dose Naltrexone, or LDN, has a variety of research supporting how it can help people with a wide range of health issues.
AgelessRx is fully committed to longevity research. Check out a quick update on our two ongoing research projects, PEARL and Post-COVID.
AgelessRx is working to get more traction on clinical and scientific studies that can help us learn more about how LDN may impact longevity.
Learn more about how LDN works with your endorphin system to produce better, more restful sleep and some other tips for more restful sleep.
Learn more about thyroid conditions and explore how Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) can be an effective treatment option to reduce common symptoms.
Learn why Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is gaining traction as a treatment option to reduce symptoms associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Learn how you can combat flu season with a combination of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and several vitamin-rich foods.
Check out tips on maximizing your Low Dose Naltrexone prescription direct from LDN expert and ARX CMO, Dr. Sajad Zalzala.
Learn how Low Dose Naltrexone modulates the immune system, helping to fight off health risks and viral infections.
Tune in to watch an empowering documentary, The LDN Story, featuring worldwide doctors and patients finding success with LDN.
AgelessRx is here to help you get started. Explore some of the most helpful tips to getting started with your LDN prescription.
Learn why Low Dose Naltrexone is gaining traction as an effective treatment option for depression and anxiety.
If you are contemplating purchasing Low Dose Naltrexone, or perhaps you recently started taking LDN, AgelessRx is here to help!
LDN stands out as a very effective treatment option for Fibromyalgia/FMS as it acts on the specific pain receptors and quiets their activity.
MedScape published an insightful article reporting positive outcomes for patients with a variety of conditions using LDN.
Dr. Zalzala, AgelessRx Chief Medical Officer, sat down with Linda Elsegood of LDN Radio to discuss all things LDN. Check out the recording!
Low Dose Naltrexone works with endorphin and immune systems to reduce overall oxidative stress, reduce chronic inflammation, and autoimmunity.