AgelessRx Launches Pilot Post-COVID Clinical Trial

This past year of navigating a global pandemic has not been easy. If you have personally fought through COVID-19 (or know someone who has) and are having a hard time recovering, you are not alone. In fact, there are a large number of people who—regardless of the severity of their COVID symptoms—do not recover within a couple of weeks.

Here at AgelessRx, we’ve personally seen and heard from many of you who have turned to online support groups and discussed having ongoing symptoms for months—even referring to yourselves as “long-haulers.” We think that is an unacceptable tragedy and we felt compelled to help.

The science suggests there are several possibilities for the underlying causes of Post-COVID-19 Syndrome, such as chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation, which we believe are potentially treatable. Our longevity expertise, ongoing research, and personal experiences with COVID-19 piqued our interest in helping to find alternative solutions.

Led by our Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder, Dr. Sajad Zalzala, AgelessRx is proud to announce a pilot clinical study (called the Pilot Post-COVID-19 Clinical Trial) using LDN and NAD+ to evaluate them as potential treatments for patients with Post-COVID-19 syndrome.

What is AgelessRx’s Post-COVID Clinical Trial all about?

To us, COVID-19 is more than just a global pandemic; the link between COVID-19 and aging (including underlying age-related diseases) is staggering. What’s more is that age is rarely considered when discussing potential treatment options—even though it is the greatest predictor of death from COVID-19. We believe some of the same symptoms plaguing “long haulers” are some of the same that we see in various age-related diseases. We can help.

After ruling out other possible diseases, we believe there is an opportunity to do more than symptomatic treatment. By identifying and treating the underlying causes of Post-COVID-19 Syndrome, such as chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation, we may be able to help “long-haulers” reduce or eliminate some of the reported symptoms (fatigue of varying severity, brain fog and concentration problems, insomnia, chills/sweats, and loss of appetite, to name a few) and help restore a better quality of life.

The Post-COVID Clinical Trial is an IRB-approved clinical enrolling 60 adults (aged 18-65, any sex, any ethnicity) for a twelve-week study. There will be a treatment and placebo group; treatment group participants will receive Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) at 4.5mg/day and NAD+ Iontophoresis Patches at 400mg/ml (worn once per week).

Please note that this trial does not replace the need for ongoing and/or specialized care, especially if you have a heart or respiratory condition, with your local healthcare team.

Why LDN and NAD+ for Post-COVID?

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and NAD+ have both been reported to help reduce chronic inflammation, fatigue, and even improve mood. As evidenced in a recent Post-COVID report by Nature Medicine, these appear to be several key underlying causes of Post-COVID-19 Syndrome sticking around for longer than a few weeks.

LDN is an oral medication known to help reduce chronic inflammation, as well as upregulate endorphin production. There is a strong association between inflammation and many physical and mental health problems. Furthermore, endorphin upregulation has a mood boosting effect, as well as causes an increase in energy and modulating the immune system.

NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (often referred to as NAD+). Simply stated, NAD+ is a vital coenzyme naturally produced by the body and found in every single cell. NAD+ is involved in hundreds of metabolic processes—the most important of which is cellular repair. NAD levels decline with age, as well as when the body undergoes metabolic stress, such as upon exposure to a virus.

While these therapies have shown promise for many, you should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.

Is the Post-COVID Clinical Trial open for enrollment?

Yes! AgelessRx is currently enrolling 60 adults (age 18-65, any sex, any ethnicity) for a twelve-week study. You must have received a positive COVID-19 test 1-9 months prior to enrollment.

Participants will be assigned to a treatment group or a placebo group. Participants in the treatment group will receive LDN and NAD+ treatment. The placebo group is promised free study trial treatment if the study is successful.

Each patient will receive ongoing doctor evaluation and will be required to complete surveys at 2, 4, 8, 12 weeks into the trial to report levels of fatigue and quality of life.

For more details on inclusion criteria, or to see if you are eligible, please click here.

What happens after this pilot trial?

Pilot clinical trials, such as AgelessRx’s current Post-COVID trial, are extremely important to set the foundation for future studies. In time, AgelessRx has plans to expand the trial to more participants, as well as potentially include biomarkers and additional modalities.

Curious to learn more?

ARX CMO, Dr. Zalzala, dives into the details of AgelessRx’s Post-COVID Clinical Trial and how to enroll in this online video presentation.

You can also review more information, as well as enrollment details, here.